The Mountain Institute

- With previous training and experience you may challenge and directly go to an ITRA assessment without an ITRA course.
- In order to be eligible to become an ITRA Rope Instructor, you need to hold a current ITRA Level 3 Rope Certification.
- An instructor may conduct assessments and provide passing candidates qualification certifications to Rope Rescue Levels 1,2 & 3.
- Other ITRA instructors cannot provide certification to others to become instructors. ITRA Rope Evaluators are the only ones authorized to certify instructor candidates.
- In order to be eligible to become an ITRA Rope Evaluator, you must be a current ITRA Instructor and assess with another ITRA Rope Evaluator.
- An ITRA Evaluator can also provide assessment for all level 1-3 canidates in the professional track, in their discipline. They are not limited to only assessing insutrctors.